Apoorv Om Artist pays tribute with INCLUSION to KOFI ANNAN The EPITOME OF PEACE

Apoorv Om Artist pays tribute to the great personality KOFI ANNAN,  the epitome of peace, justice and humanity on his death anniversary ,with work for inclusion. .

UNSG Kofi Annan appreciate Apoorv Om for his Artwork and work for inclusion on event of International Day of Non-Violence at his office, Kofi Annan Foundation, at Geneva on 2nd October 2017
Also told that
“I am writing to thank you for the painting that you offered me. Keep up good work.
It was pleasure to meet you
I wish you well for all your future endeavours”
In spit of disability, Apoorv Om remain follow #KofiAnnan As an #Artist for #Peace
and requested KOFI ANNAN Foundation to work together as global partners under their banner for inclusion of all including PWDs especially deaf to bring them into mainstream through the inclusive settings of educational institutions and society with the help of digital technology solutions to achieve the wish and aim of our laureate Kofi Annan. The KOFI ANNAN Foundation like  tweet of the founders of Apoorv Om Artist as this kind of work is first time in the world,

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